Tag: alternative transportation

  • Are Electric Scooters Legal In Philadelphia?

    Are Electric Scooters Legal In Philadelphia?




    According to the State Representative, legislative changes are impending in Philadelphia, which will bring about a shift in the legal status of electric scooters in Philadelphia. Though not currently recognized as legal, the impending pilot program for dockless e-bikes has been touted to offer support and insights for micro-mobility in general. Therefore, for those keeping…

  • Are Moped Scooters allowed on the Highway?

    Are Moped Scooters allowed on the Highway?




    Moped scooters have become a popular mode of transportation for many individuals due to their affordability, fuel efficiency, and ease of use. However, a common question among moped riders is whether or not they are allowed to ride their scooters on the highway. In this article, we will explore the regulations and considerations regarding the…